The American Academy of Neurology issued a press release regarding a study that will be presented at their 70th annual meeting in Los Angeles from April 21st to April 27th, 2018. One of the studies show an apparent reduction in the risk of Multiple Sclerosis in individuals with a high fish intake. This video and post review How Eating Fish May Reduce Your Risk of Multiple Sclerosis.
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune condition that affects the myelin sheath of the spinal cord and nerves. The result can be numbness, tingling, fatigue, double vision or difficulty walking.
Dr. Ray Wisniewski of NutriMost Wellness & Weight Loss believes that autoimmune challenges are not just the result of the body attacking itself but instead, as has been stated by Punjwani et al – Cambridge University, England, it is more likely the result of a true infection.
Essentially, the thought is that there is one of 3 things at the core:
–Microbial infection (most common); viral, bacterial or mycoplasma in the majority of cases disabling the innate immune system, often due to the microbial metabolites, which most likely disable the VDR and Ubiquitin pathways, as well as molecular mimicry to either disable the VDR or make proteins that mimic the interleukins essentially disabling the immune response
–Demethylation from some type of chemotoxin
–Expression of a virus on the gene deck (endogenous retrovirus) during a demethylation episode or a corrupt DNA blueprint.
The American Academy of Neurology’s press release stated that when they compared people who had a high intake of fish (defined as eating 1 serving of fish per week and taking omega fish oil supplements daily) versus low intake fish eaters (defined as eating less than 1 serving of fish per month and taking no fish oil supplements). Those individuals who had a high fish intake, had a 45% reduced risk of developing multiple sclerosis.
The study also looked at various gene variants that affect and regulate fatty acid levels and found 2 gene variants related to a decreased risk of multiple sclerosis.
Although there was a direct relationship between the intake of fish and the reduction of risk of multiple sclerosis the authors could not determine if the this association was actually causal.
NutriMost Wellness & Weight Loss believes that Hippocrates was correct when he stated “Let your foods be our medicine, and let your medicines be your food.”
In the case of multiple sclerosis, previous research has shown that it is desirous to eat foods high in DHA, Vitamin D and Iron, while decreasing foods with high levels of mercury and red meat.
NutriMost Wellness & Weight Loss utilizes an electronic history and intake to correlate a clients presenting history against known food science to help determine which foods should be eaten and which foods should be avoided. Learn more about NutriMost Intelligence Analysis
Regarding multiple sclerosis – some of the preferred foods include: freshwater bass, catfish clams, mussels, octopus, oysters, perch, quail, salmon, sardines, shrimp, squid, whitefish, lentils, dandelions, spinach, mushrooms, olives, jerusalem artichokes, grass-fed butter, evening primrose oil, and fish oil.
Those foods that should be avoided are high mercury containing fish such as Sea bass, cod, crab, crayfish, grouper, halibut, lobster, mahi mahi, rockfish, roughy, shark, snapper, swordfish and tuna. Most all red meat should be avoided as well as margarine and artificial or processed foods.
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